CN1A-TC控制器 美国omega控制器
1/16 DIN开-关LCD温度控制器,双输出
CN1A Series
1年保修 新产品! CE
1/16 DIN开-关LCD温度控制器,双输出
CN1A Series:1/16 DIN开-关LCD温度控制器,双输出
Dual Outputs
4 Programmable Thermocouple or RTD Inputs
10 Programmable Alarm Options
Reverse (Heat) or Direct (Cool) Control
Power Options: 90 to 260 Vac and 10 to 32 Vac/Vdc
Easy 2-Button Set-Up
Clear LCD Display
Panel or Socket Mount Design
The CN1A Series is a digital On/Off temperature controller designed to provide the functionality of general purpose PID controllers but at a price suited to On/Off applications. The simple programming with two front panel keys, uncluttered LCD display, and uncomplicated control functions and alarm programming have enabled the CN1A to be widely used in a variety of applications. To add a timer to your panel, the associated PTC-1A is designed to combine a harmonized appearance with simple-to-operate, flexible functions and high reliability.
The CN1A, when combined with the PTC-1A complimentary timer is ideal for frequent user-adjustable applications such as hot foil printing, window sealing and environmental ovens, which often require both temperature and timing control.
产品型号 产品描述
CN1A-TC ON/OFF thermocouple input controller, 90 to 260 Vac
CN1A-TC-24V ON/OFF thermocouple input controller, 10 to 32 Vac/dc
CN1A-RTD-230VAC ON/OFF RTD Pt100 input controller, 230 Vac
CN1A-SOCKET Rear Socket for CN1A Series
CN1A-RTD-230VAC ON/OFF RTD Pt100 input controller, 240 Vac
CN1A-RTD ON/OFF RTD Pt100 input controller, 90 to 260 Vac
CN1A-RTD-24V ON/OFF RTD Pt100 input controller, 10 to 32 Vac/dc
CN1A-TC控制器 美国omega控制器
CN9312-C4-LV控制器 美国omega温控