

产品展示 / products 您的位置:网站首页 > 产品展示 > > 美国OMEGA插头插座列表 > OST-U-M热电偶高温插头 OMEGA*热电偶高温插头 OMEGA插头插座

OST-U-M热电偶高温插头 OMEGA*热电偶高温插头 OMEGA插头插座

简要描述:OST-U-M热电偶高温插头 OMEGA*热电偶高温插头 OMEGA插头插座由深圳市鑫博恒业科技有限公司优势提供,精度高,是值得信赖的美国OMEGA热电偶插头插座。

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-04-13
  • 访  问  量:1039

OST-U-M热电偶高温插头 OMEGA*热电偶高温插头 OMEGA插头插座 产品说明

OST-U-M热电偶高温插头 OMEGA*热电偶高温插头 OMEGA插头插座 技术规格



温度 热电偶插头和面板系统 标准尺寸的热电偶连接器及配件 OST-( )-( ), OSTW series

Economical Hollow-Pin Design
Color -Coding for ANSI or IEC
High Purity Thermocouple Alloy Pins and Sockets
Accepts up to 14 Gauge Solid or Stranded Wire
Compatible with All Standard Size Omega Connectors

OST-( )-( ) is a legacy design. Whenever it is the only choice it is plug compatable with the OSTW standard size round pin connectors or any other similar round pin male TC plug or Female TC jack.

OSTW-( )-( ) standard size round pin and SMPW-( )-( ) mini size flat pin are the most current economical and widely stocked thermocouple connector designs.

OSTW -( )-( )current version Standard size with round pins See related links.

OSTW-( )-( ) is a standard size round pin, 2 pole TC connector assembled with high quality thermocouple alloy material. Thermocouple connectors of this design are used to connect or extend temperature sensors, extension wire and process equipment . The quick connect contact washer allows for a short straight wire to be terminated, a wire loop or wrap is not required. The Write-On Window tag is used to label as required.
OSTW-( )-F Universal is unique because it connects to either round pin or flat pin male TC connectors.

产品编号 产品描述

see OSTW link for Most Popular Current Design with Contact Washers and Write-0n Window
OST Legacy Older Version

OST-K-M Std size round pin, K calibration, male
OST-T-M Std size round pin, T calibration, male
OST-J-M Std size round pin, J calibration, male
OST-E-M Std size round pin, E calibration, male
OST-R/S-M Std size round pin, R/S calibration, male
OST-U-M Std size round pin, U calibration, male
OST-N-M Std size round pin, N calibration, male
OST-K-F Round, K calibration , female
OST-T-F Round, T calibration , female
OST-J-F Round, J calibration , female
OST-E-F Round, E calibration , female
OST-R/S-F Round, R/S calibration , female
OST-N-F Round, N calibration , female
OST-U-F Round, U calibration , female







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